- Title -- Author -- View -- Date -

Palace of Labor and Culture in
Melnikov plan1933
Palace of Labor. Moscow............Belogrud A.perspective1922-23
Palace of Labor. Moscow............Lamtsov I.,VKhUTEMASplan,elevation1922-23
Palace of Labor. Moscow............Vesnin A., V., L.elevation1922-23
Palace of Labor. Moscow............Melnikov K.fragment of the elevation1923
Palace of Labor. Moscow............Team of VOPRA (Baranov N., Ivanov K., Noges V., Rubanenko B., Rusakov M., Terechin F.)axonometric1931
Palace of Peace and Peoples........Gutnov A.,Leviant B.,Lobachev S.,Shalmin I.perspective1985
Palace of Pioneers.................Leonidov I.elevation1947
Palace of Soviets at the Lenin
Zholtovsky I.perspective1957
Palace of Soviets. Moscow..........Brasini A.perspective drawing1931
Palace of Soviets. Moscow..........Doditza Y.,Dushkin A.interior1931
Palace of Soviets. Moscow..........Zhukov A., Chechulin D., Kurovsky A.interior1932
Palace of Soviets. Moscow..........Iofan B.section1933
Palace of Soviets. Moscow..........Iofan B., Schuko V., Gelfreikh V., Baransky A., Gelfeld S., Iofan D. a.o.perspective1934
Palace of Soviets. Moscow..........Iofan B.,creative collective of the Palace of Sovietsperspective from the Moscow-river1935
Palace of Soviets. Moscow..........Iofan B., Schuko V.,Gelfreikh V.,Merkurov S.perspective1942
Palace of Soviets. Moscow..........Iofan B.,Gelfreikh V., Belopolsky L.,Pelevin V. and othersperspective from the Moscow-river1946
Palace of Soviets. Moscow.
Iofan B.,creative collective of the Palace of Sovietsinterior perspective1940
Palace of Soviets. Moscow.
Government Reception Hall
Iofan B.,Gelfreikh V., Belopolsky L.,Pelevin V. and othersperspective1946
Palace of Soviets. Moscow.
Government Reception Hall
Iofan B.,Gelfreikh V., Belopolsky L.,Pelevin V. and othersinterior perspective1948
Palace of Soviets. Moscow.
Reception Hall
Vesnin A., V., L.interior1931
Palace of Soviets. Moscow. Working
Gelfreikh V., Iofan B., Krasin N. (engineer)site plan1939
Palace of Soviets. Moscow.Working
Gelfreikh V., Iofan B., Krasin N. (engineer)cross section1939
Palace of Soviets. Variant.........Iofan B.perspective1933
Palace of Soviets.Moscow...........Gabo N.,Pevzner A.plan1931
Palace of Soviets.Moscow...........Le Corbusieraxonometric1931
Palace of Soviets.Moscow...........Lubetkin B.,Sigalin T.,Blum E.perspective1931
Palace of Soviets.Moscow...........Olenev V.plan1931
Palace of Soviets.Moscow...........Poelzig H.interior1931
Palace of Soviets.Moscow...........Vainstein I., Komarova L., Mushinsky Y.perspective1931
Palace of Soviets.Moscow...........Vyshinsky L.perspective1931
Palace of Soviets.Moscow...........Krinsky V.elevation1932
Palace of Soviets.Moscow(Motto:
The Red Building of the Soviets –
The Well Organized Red Square)
Leistikow I. (?)axonometric1931
Palace of Soviets.Moscow.Working
Gelfreikh V., Iofan B., Krasin N. (engineer)main entrance elevation1939
Palace of Soviets.Moscow.Working
Gelfreikh V., Iofan B., Krasin N. (engineer)cross section1939
Palace of Soviets.Moscow.Working
Gelfreikh V., Iofan B., Krasin N. (engineer)elevation from the small hall1939
Palace of Soviets.Moscow.Working
Drawings.Air Heating and
Gelfreikh V., Iofan B., Krasin N. (engineer)plan at level 144.50 m1939
Palace of Soviets.Moscow.Working
Drawings.Division Scheme by Halls
Gelfreikh V., Iofan B., Krasin N. (engineer)plan1939
Palace of Soviets.Moscow.Working
Drawings.Division Scheme by zones
Gelfreikh V., Iofan B., Krasin N. (engineer)sections1939
Palace of Soviets.Moscow.Working
Drawings.Lay-out of the Fittings
of the Microphone Cables
Gelfreikh V., Iofan B., Krasin N. (engineer)plan1939
Palace of Soviets.Moscow.Working
Drawings.Main Entrance of the 2nd
Block. Stairs of the Top Part
Gelfreikh V., Iofan B., Krasin N. (engineer)plan1939
Palace of Soviets.Moscow.Working
Drawings.Main Entrance of the 6th
and 4th Block
Gelfreikh V., Iofan B., Krasin N. (engineer)plan1939
Palace of Soviets.Moscow.Working
Drawings.Method of Constructing
Work. Foundations
Gelfreikh V., Iofan B., Krasin N. (engineer)plan1939
Palace of Soviets.Moscow.Working
Drawings.Roof Draining System
Gelfreikh V., Iofan B., Krasin N. (engineer)plan1939
Palace of Soviets.Moscow.Working
Drawings.Steel Structure
Gelfreikh V., Iofan B., Krasin N. (engineer)longitudinal and cross sections1939
Palace of Soviets.Moscow.Working
Drawings.Tower Part
Gelfreikh V., Iofan B., Krasin N. (engineer)plan1939
Palace of Soviets.Moscow.Working
Drawings.Tower Part
Gelfreikh V., Iofan B., Krasin N. (engineer)plan1939
Palace of Soviets.Moscow.Working
Drawings.Tower Part
Gelfreikh V., Iofan B., Krasin N. (engineer)plan1939
Palace of Soviets.Moscow.Working
Drawings.Water Heating System
Gelfreikh V., Iofan B., Krasin N. (engineer)plan at level 128.0 m1939
Palace of Soviets.Moscow.Working
Drawings.Water Heating System
Gelfreikh V., Iofan B., Krasin N. (engineer)plan at level 164.0 m1939

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